January 3, 2022 -- Happy New Year! Classes will resume as planned on Tuesday, January 4, 2022. The Saskatchewan Health Authority has confirmed that schools can return to in-class learning following the break, with continued safety measures in place. In preparation, we encourage all school families to complete an at- home rapid test prior to the return to school. Most families will have had access to these tests through schools. A list of where these tests can be acquired in the community, free of charge, is available here.
The Government of Saskatchewan announced on December 30 that:
- Fully vaccinated individuals who test positive on either a rapid test or PCR test are to self-isolate for five days from the date of test or 48 hours after symptoms have ended, whichever is later.
- Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals are to self-isolate for 10 days from the date of test or 48 hours after your symptoms have ended, whichever is later.
Details from the Government of Saskatchewan can be found in their recent release here. Please also see the graphic below. In all cases, do not return to school if symptoms are present and inform the school if any student is to be absent.

Close contacts must isolate for 14 days from the date of last exposure unless they are fully vaccinated and do not have any symptoms. Use rapid antigen testing if asymptomatic, ideally between day five and seven of the 14-day isolation. If any symptoms develop, seek a PCR test.
Regina Public Schools continue to take a multi-layered approach to COVID-19 safety, including mandatory masks in all schools and buildings, increased sanitation protocols, cohorting of students where possible, a focus on hand hygiene, and upgraded ventilation in all Division-owned schools.
We continue to support the Government of Saskatchewan’s recommendation that all residents, including students aged five and older, get fully vaccinated and get their booster shot, when eligible. There are a number of walk-in vaccine clinics in Regina as well as many pharmacies that offer this service. Read more about clinics here.
As we begin the new year, please be assured that we will continue to be vigilant to mitigate risks to students, staff and school families as we resume the important work of in-class teaching, learning, socializing, and growing in Regina Public Schools.
In learning and in health,
Greg Enion
Director of Education
Please click here for a PDF version of this letter.